Sunday, 4 November 2012

How to Avoid (and Treat) Cold Sores

There it is — that horrible tingling sensation that lets you know a cold sore is about to erupt all over your face, ruining the next week and making you wish that burqas were suddenly in fashion for a short while. Is there anything more annoying than a cold sore?
I got my first cold sore when I was 8 years old, right in the corner of my mouth. It was horrible — ugly, painful, and because of the location, it took almost a month to heal. Every time I would open my mouth, my sore would split open. I still have scar tissues from that thing.
Up until a couple of years ago, I used to get cold sores frequently. It got so bad that I started forming some scar tissue above my lip where the sore would reappear every couple of months. However, once I figured out what triggered them, and how to prevent them, my outbreaks were greatly reduced. More importantly, I can treat them when they do appear, so recovery is much faster and less painful. (See also: Cheap and Simple Sunburn Remedies That Really Work)

What Causes Cold Sores?

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Yes, the cold sore virus is very similar to the virus that causes genital herpes. HSV-1 causes cold sores, HSV-2 causes genital herpes, although in some cases, HSV-1 can cause genital herpes as well. If you have one version of the herpes virus doesn't indicate you also have the other version of the virus. However, it's easy to transmit the viral infection from one area of the body to another through contact, be it direct or indirect (sexual contact or accidental contamination of an area with infected bodily fluid).
Herpes simplex 1 is phenomenally easy to catch. Most people are infected with HSV-1 as a child, through shared food or drink with a contagious carrier. Many people will catch the virus and never display an outbreak of lesions that indicate the presence of HSV-1. Others will show an immediate sign of infection through a lesion on the face, usually on the lips. Cold sores can also occur around other facial mucous membranes, like the nostrils or eyes (known as ocular herpes, which sounds cooler than "eyeball herpes"). Cold sores are not to be confused with canker sores, which typically appear on the inside of the mouth.
The bad news about HSV-1 (other than the fact that it is very damaging to the nervous system) is how easy it is to transmit. The good news is that, with some care, you can avoid lesion outbreaks — or at the very least, shorten any cold sore outbreaks that may occur.

Cold Sore Triggers

What are the most common cold sore triggers? Cold sores are triggered by a number of different causes, but most of them have to do with your body being negatively stressed in some way. Because viruses love to attack when you are weak, the HSV-1 waits until your immune system is suffering, and then works its evil, painful magic on your face.
Cold sores aren't called "cold sores" for nothing — they typically make their arrival when you are suffering from another viral infection, be it a cold or flu. HSV-1 loves a good fever, so if you find yourself with an elevated temperature, take a fever reducer like Advil to lessen your chances of experiencing a cold sore outbreak.
UV Rays
Bright sunlight triggers many a lip lesion, so use plenty of lip balm at the highest concentration SPF that you can find. I also slather my upper lip with SPF 40 sunblock every morning, because I never know when I might end up outside* for an extended period of time. (This is a joke — I never go outside.)
Cold Weather
Cold, harsh weather can also wreak havoc on lip health, and once your lip cracks, HSV-1 is only happy to add insult to injury. Keeping lips moisturized with a medicated ointment like Blistex or Carmex can prevent damage to your lips. Keep your mouth covered in extremely cold, windy conditions. And the instructions for using a high-level SPF on your skin don't end with warm weather — cold, sunny days in the snow are perfect ingredients for a cold sore recipe. Harsh, UV rays reflecting off of snow, mixed with freezing cold, dry air? Cold sore perfect storm.
You might not expect emotional stress to contribute to skin lesions, but it can. Although there is often no way to remove stressors from your life, if you can find a way to stay calm and carry on (as the British would say...when they are not rioting), you can probably prevent a cold sore from appearing. Deep breathing and meditating exercises won't take more than 15 minutes out of your day, and can lower your blood pressure, too. The emotional stress of PMS is often enough to cause outbreaks in women. If you can track your menstrual cycle well enough to figure out which days are going to be the worst ones, emotionally, you may be able to work in a couple extra hours of stress-reliving fun to balance out the mood roller coaster.
Injury to Delicate Facial Tissues
At one point, I noticed that I was coming down with a cold sore after every single time I had sex — this was a big disappointment, because I was beginning to believe that perhaps sex was causing my cold sores. And it was, in a way. My husband had a beard at the time, and our passionate lip-locking would irritate my skin so much that I broke out in a cold sore within a few hours of sexy-time. He is now required to wax his face and exfoliate with a floor sander. (No, really, we're just more careful with the smooching.)
Some people have noticed cold sores after extensive dental work (not quite as fun as sex, but just as necessary to your health). This is because damage to the delicate tissue of the lips and mouth are like an open invitation to HSV-1.


  1. What is the Best Herpes Treatment to Live Your Life Outbreak Free?

    How many outbreaks of cold sores have you had over the course of your life? An average person may have one to four outbreaks per year, or more. A 30 year-old may then have experienced up to 120 breakouts over the course of their life. What if there was a 100% All-Natural and completely safe, non-prescription daily Advanced Broad-Spectrum Antiviral to help cure your cold sores by suppressing herpes outbreaks?

    Fenvir works in the treatment of herpes, both HSV-1 oral and HSV-2 genital herpes, by a natural and sensible process. Fenvir, being a natural supplement, also helps to increase immune strength and reduce stress thereby helping to reduce outbreaks. Since the herpes virus is known to live inside your body for life, why not control the virus for life instead of allowing the virus to control you through embarrassing and painful outbreaks? Fenvir is an advanced, safe, antiviral natural supplement that works and continues to work at rendering the herpes virus dormant when all else has failed.

    How about contemplating the downsides to prescription drugs versus alternative therapy for herpes treatment? For only a 10 day treatment of prescription medication you may pay up to $130!! Then there are the nasty side effects of prescription herpes medications that begin occurring at random. Also, it is rumored that the prescription medications do not even work if an outbreak is already occurring. Imagine how your outbreak will only worsen by going through this typical cycle of getting a doctor to provide you with a prescription, paying for an unexpected and ridiculously overpriced pill, then to begin taking the medication and possibly experience annoying side-effects…only to come to the conclusion that you took the medication after the outbreak begin rendering your time, money, and health useless!

    The question is not how alternative non-prescription herpes treatment can work for you, but how soon can you begin to live your life outbreak free with Fenvir? Do you want to know what your new stress-free life is like with Fenvir? Found out here!

  2. I have been using this herbal cure remedy for 3 months now. So far, it has cured my HEPATITIS B, eliminated my COLD SORE, improved energy and metabolism, in the morning I feel recharged and I no longer feel sleepy after a meal. As for the scent, it does smell like motor oil but I chase it down with 100% Cranberry Juice 1tsp. twice a day AFTER a meal. I also experienced vivid dreams for about 5 days now it's diminishing to during the first 2 or 3 hours of sleep . contact : EMAIL..DR. EKPEN doctorekpen222@gmail.coDraftsmor call/whatsapp +2348102454875. you can get the cure from him and be free from all kinds of diseases
